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The Skin That We’re In

Stories that seed change


Written and presented

by Tina Shingler 








We’ve all done the ‘training’ on EDI: For most of us, it’s a remote box-ticking exercise which takes about 30 minutes online. Like Health and Safety training you’re required to do it for your workplace. You even get a certificate to prove you’ve ‘passed’; that your awareness antennae are on full alert. The trouble is that we’ve all got smart at knowing how we should answer all the questions; we know which boxes we’re meant to tick. We click through the series of questions and scenarios like desk-zombies and we just as quickly forget it all. But it doesn’t have to be this way. The power of story can transform EDI into a motivational experience with a lasting impact in the workplace and beyond. 


For the last 5 years, I’ve been writing and presenting on diversity to schools, businesses and community groups. We see the extremes of unconscious bias in the news but with a handful of stories from my personal history ‘What’s Going On? – The Skin That We’re In’ illustrates how deeply it is embedded into our everyday lives and thinking. In using my lived experience as a mixed-race woman in the UK and overseas I aim to bring issues of racial bias off our remote screens and into real-time and space. ‘What’s Going On?’ is a live, informative session with its own ‘tool kit’ to stimulate mind shifts from unconscious bias to conscious action and encourage further exploration.


(length 30 mins + Q&A/workshops/discussions etc.)


A series of modern-day parables, the presentation aims to weed out roots of racial bias and replant them with seeds of change.


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