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Biteback signs Tina Shingler's 'hairmoire'

Hair Apparent embraces the powerful legacy of afro hair. 


Biteback has signed Hair Apparent: A Voyage Around My Roots by Tina Shingler. Senior commissioning

editor Lisa Goodrun bought English language rights from Dotti Irving at Greyhound Literary, and the book is

out in October, to coincide with Black History Month.



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'The Big Hair Day'
Organised by World

Re-Imagined At New Bewerley Community School

I was thrilled to be invited to be part of this celebration day at NBCS. I was talking about how hair can have its own language and make wonderful stories. The children were a delight and the teachers and staff were so dedicated and enthusiastic. It's an amazing school!

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'What's Going On? - The Skin That We're In' presented in Leeds & Hull


In April I enjoyed two vibrant sessions in Leeds and Hull with Gorse Scitt (School Centred Initial Teacher Training) where I gave my presentation: What’s Going On? – The Skin that We’re In.


I’m excited to be working with the next generation of teachers who are so clearly committed to achieving diversity, equality and inclusion in the education system. They are the face of change.

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BBC Teach - Black British Stories

History KS2: Christina Shingler - Becoming an author of children's literature. 


In this short film Felix, aged 10, talks to his grandmother Christina (Tina) Shingler, a writer who decided to do something about the lack of black characters in British literature.


To view the article and film click here


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Roots of Inspiration 

hosted by 

Henry Moore Institute 

"Exploring and celebrating black hair with writer Tina Shingler and artist Kedisha Coakley at this special workshop as part of the national project The World Reimagined on the 25th of August 2022"

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